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  • #8357
    Ralph Nepomuceno

    Great find man.

    Ralph Nepomuceno

    I think Nachum’s (jazzman1945) research on the different ways sound can be produced sans a mouthpiece is really quite revolutionary! It’s about the sound you blow into your melodica even BEFORE you press a key!

    Ralph Nepomuceno

    Will do, man 🙂

    Ralph Nepomuceno

    I dig his music, Asaf!!!

    Ralph Nepomuceno

    Bluesette is back in my band’s set list. RIP, Toots…

    Ralph Nepomuceno

    I look at my melodicas in a different light now, Jazzman. Indeed, there’s so much more about playing them that has yet to be formally addressed in any tutor book. And like you said, there’s so much inherent musical potential in melodicas that has yet to be discovered! I get excited even just thinking about it!

    Thanks for opening my eyes, Jazzman!! 🙂

    Ralph Nepomuceno

    Epilogue already?!?! That makes me feel kinda sad and empty…

    I learned a lot in this thread, man!! I really ’emptied my cup for it’, so to speak, and stopped using my mouthpiece. Translating speech into music and articulating every note you play rather ensures that I do not fall into the trap of playing just memorized phrases when I improvise. Also, I have begun to actually hear the difference in quality between articulated melodion sounds and those my mouth just randomly sends into the instrument. For sure, the idea that sound production in the melodion begins in the mouth is still novel for me but I can tell that it is helping me already.

    I look forward to the continuation, Jazzman. Thank you so much for sharing so generously!!!

    Ralph Nepomuceno

    Gorgeous instrument, Oscar!!! (Drooling…)

    Ralph Nepomuceno

    Jazzman, your ideas have come across clearly thus far. Thanks again!

    Ralph Nepomuceno

    I come back to this thread time and again. There’s so much info being shared here. Thanks Jazzman!

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