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    Hi Alan..I was a little late for the auction so i missed out. As far as 32 keys..I actually do have a Hohner airbord 32 key but I do prefer playing with 37 keys.It’s interesting though that you think it might be a little better…

    For now,I’m off to Europe in a couple of weeks and I have decided that I will wait until I get there to pursue my “M-37C”

    so thanks to all who responded to my search …


    Sorry I haven’t answered both above post earlier but I’ve been away from “cyberspace” \for a while!!
    So,firstly,Alan thanks for your take on it but through my own experience something like a musical instrument will immediately attract import duty…I learned this the hard way last time I had a melodica imported ..Perhaps it was the colourful nature of the Hohner airboard that made me have to pay twice the original price?Who knows!!
    Thanks Paul for managing to find the M-37C in the U.S for me.It’s really very good of you to put in the effort.My first temptation has been to just buy it but the fact that it shows as second hand and the ebay site has a no returns policy has me wondering.Maybe I’m being too cautious because I’d love to see what this model is like to play…


    Hi David.Thanks for letting me know and that link…very helpful.


    Hi Alan..Thanks for your detailed reply. I’ve actually been starting to think that the M-37C isn’t available in th U.S and your post seems to confirm this.As far as import duty in Viet Nam,I actually had a melodica sent to me from New York last year and the import duty made it a very expensive melodica!I know through having been here quite a while there is no way around paying it…Quantity or as gift not relevant!!

    I checked out Japan as you suggested but still same import duties..


    Thanks for your reply,Paul.It seems that this melodica is really quite something.I actually checked on Ebay myself and ,as you say,none available.I know that they’re readily available in Japan but I’m, based in Viet Nam and that being so, I saw getting one while I have someone in the U.S as a better alternative …no import costs for a start!!

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