Terms of Service for the MelodicaWorld Website

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  • #6662

    Hi Daren,

    I was wondering if you have formal terms of service (TOS) for the MelodicaWorld.com website and forum? I could not find any on the website. Maybe they were displayed when we signed up to the website. It is my understanding that contributors to forums own their written words through copyright law, but grant the forum owner (usually through the TOS) permission to publish, edit, or delete any posts on the forum.

    One question I have is, is the content we contribute protected against unauthorized reuse at say another forum or webpage?

    Could you summarize your understanding of the TOS for the MelodicaWorld forum? I think that information could be helpful to us all.

    One reason I ask is that, as a professional writer, I am thinking of writing an article or two about melodicas and plan on using some of my forum contributions. So these questions started to come up.

    Thanks for any information you can share.




    Hi Lowboy

    I’ve added the Forum Rules and Terms of Use as a sticky in this forum. If there’s anything else you need to know regarding the forums, use the contact form to contact me.

    But in short, yes, you’re welcome to use anything from your own posts in your own articles!


    Thanks Daren.



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