Noisy keys on HOHNER PIANO 36{ made in Germany

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  • #11846
    MARK Issadore

    My Hohner Piano36 sounds good but the keys are very noisy.
    Does anyone have a possible uncomplicated fix for this?


    Hi, Mark – the keys in my German Piano 36 (gold trim) are also noisy, but now that I’ve been in there, I don’t really see any mechanism that can be changed. The key operation method consists of the key, a pivot point, a metal link, a pallet valve (what I’d call it on a reed organ), and a felt pad that covers the opening into the reed compartment.

    James B. in his 36 repair/dismantle thread is removing some of his keys. You might want to follow his thread.

    On a side note, this forum does a great job of getting us to buy up old German Piano 36s. Motivated me.

    MARK Issadore

    Hi Lamar
    Thanks for the info.
    My Hohner 36 has gold trim also.
    At this point I will try to persevere through the noisy keys and
    try to focus on enjoying the Piano 36 as much as I can.

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