Hurricane Harps melodica

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    Amazon carries a 37 key melodica by a company called Hurricane Harps. Tried to find more info but without success. Does anyone have any other info about them? What would the best site be to look at a variety of melodicas for purchase? Thanks


    Hi Eric, I haven’t heard of those melodicas before. There isn’t a single site which sells all the melodicas – each shop/site seems to have a selection. What will you be using it for?


    Donʻt want to resurrect a “zombie” thread, but someone recently gave me a Young Chang melodica purchased in Korea. The melodica has “Made in China” stamped on it and is quite a good musical instrument (although I am new to melodicas). I canʻt find Young Chang melodicas for sale anywhere but both the DʻLuca and the Hurricane Harps melodicas are dead ringers. I just ordered a DʻLuca off eBay and will be able to confirm or deny the similarity. Iʻm guessing that whoever makes the Young Chang distribute in West through a number of band names.

    Will report back on the DʻLuca in a few days (I hope).


    Yeah, the D’Luca M37-RD purchased on eBay is the same as the Young Chang Melodion my friend got me in Korea (stamped “made in China.”) The country of origin stamp is blank on the D’Luca so who knows. But for $29.95 (free shipping) it was a great deal.

    EBay seller was musicianvip


    Rick Reid

    I have a Hurricane Harps 37-key melodica. Probably the same one you described. I like it just fine. It seems to be 98% similar to any of the current Hohner models as well as most other brands.

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