Beginner seeking advice

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  • #4637

    Hello all,
    This site is a great resource thank you. Based on the feedback from this group I recently purchased my first melodica, a Yamaha P37D. I’m very happy with it though working to make it a little quieter and more mellow sounding. I am a guitar player who has no keyboard/piano experience. I’m familiar with music theory but not with keyboard technique. Is anyone aware of a good method book, video program, website etc. that you would recommend? So far I have not found anything specifically for melodica but found a bunch for piano online, including pianoforall. I’m curious on thoughts if you would recommend such a program or feel it is not necessary. I can use my ears to play tunes but want to avoid injuring my hands as I did when I began guitar playing with poor technique. Thanks.


    Hi Tom , I was in the same place as you and got started about 18 mths ago. I had no keyboard experience but like you played guitar. With internet help I worked out most chords , and scales. I use it in a 4 piece but only in 2 songs so far. I still make quite a few mistakes. I did transpose some of my guitar blues scale work to the melodica. For me its all about repetition and committing fingers to memory. I was in a country club backing band recently and introduced it in some slower ballads , trying to give it an accordion feel. I think it worked. I found it a strain on the eyes looking at the chorded music and the keys at the same time.( especially the higher notes ) I’m now practicing holding the melodica on its side so I cant see the keys. I think that’s going to help me plus one finger per key.


    I’ve tried emulating some of these riffs.


    Hi Paul, thanks for your reply. I’m sure the melodica sounds great on slow ballads. When you were transferring scales to the melodica did you have to develop the thumb tuck technique (not sure what the official term is)? It’s hard for me to tell from the YouTube videos I’ve seen if people are tucking their thumbs under or are just shifting their hands as they go up the keyboard. I’m also curious what you mean by one finger per key? Thanks for sharing that great video and your thoughts.


    Cheers Tom , I’m not sure if this answers the thumb question , but I’m using the thumb on the keys as I do the fingers.Im trying to start off with good habits , example when I’m practicing scales , I’m trying to use all digits on the right hand in the scale progression rather than moving one finger from key to key.Im trying to practice with the instrument on its side with my left hand directly upright through the handle. My aim is to play the thing without looking at the keyboard.


    Thanks Paul I appreciate your comments.

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