Reply To: The Amazing Melodica! – Tutorial (fragments )

A few more words about the intonation factor. In the field of improvisation
the main driver are the rhythmic impulse and intonation. If the rhythmic part is clear to all, the intonational – far from it! The confusion begins with the terminology in the West, the term refers to the exact location of Pitch and tuning instruments .
Note contradistinction semiotic concept in the West and in Russia – there is a “doctrine.” Idiotic invention by Western musicologists, which in relation to Russia have never learned to separate flies from cutlets.
In addition, there are the terms: speech melody, melodic curve, melodic contour, melodic inflection . Too much ! In Russian, there is a basic concept of intonation, related to individual sounds, to speech and to music.
This specific human quality, serving for verbal contact, and extrapolated to music. And when you consider that all of us – musicians and not musicians – are talking in some rhythm (depending on the native language) and are expressed through the intonation, one can safely say, that all of us are natural improvisers and composers – who with only potential, who in reality.
Now you can understand why it is necessary not only to respect other people’s sounds, but also your own – they are unique, like fingerprints – even if you are trying to emulate. and nobody, even a genius can’t copy them exactly. To discover the arts around us, we don’t need to study at the Academy, and even read books about it, just move the lens to a small fragment of the seen and the heard .
Speech melodies
The order of recorded: Satchmo, Russian passer, from street bickering in South Korea.
Otherwise, damn theorists completely twisted brains of all of us – in a democratic manner both in the East and the West!