The melodica sound to a listener who didn’t see what you were playing

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    Have you ever played your melodica in an alley or a place where people may hear it and not see the instrument? I have, and usually people think I am playing a clarinet. If you have had an experience like that and the person guessed an instrument, please tell us the what instrument the person guessed .

    Hello to Carola, I have never needed to keep my Melodica warm, I am in Los Angeles and it must be warmer than you location, it must be very cold where you are.
    When I was in Hi School band and playing outside, we were advised to blow thru the instrument to keep it warm and in tune before we began to play and that was a brass instrument.

    Happy Holidays to all and if you wanted an New Melodica I hope you get one. Lets hope for peace.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Leonard. Reason: mispelling

    I’ve never played in an alley, but my neighbor cannot distinguish between my chromatic harmonica and my melodica. I play these two instruments in the same style and they have some similarities. Maybe you play the melodica similar to how you would play the clarinet?

    Another factor that might play a role: When information is incomplete, the brain chooses a familiar pattern to fill in missing information, so we tend to hear, see and feel what we’re familiar with and what we expect. Fun fact: When I started to play saxophone, it sounded awful and I thought the upper register would sound like a circular saw and the lower register like a combination of a duck and a ship’s horn, but my neighbor insisted the upper register would sound like a kitchen machine and the lower register like a lawn mower 🙂 . (I’d like to mention that I have a very good relationship with my neighbor and she likes to hear me practice).


    Thats funny, I started with the saxaphone early in school, it does take some effort if you are not
    playing regularly. To sound good you probably should play everyday.
    I don’t play it often enough, I should.
    The melodica is very effortless to play and it keeps your breath control exercised. I found that wind
    instruments like the recorder or saxaphone benefit from melodica playing,
    I do play in an alley outside my work, its nice as I don’t want to bother my work neighbors thru the walls.
    I think my style maybe a bit like a clarinet,

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