Melodica composition in 11/4

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  • #4028
    Tom Teasley

    This is from my newest CD I created for a theater show based on Balkan themes I did last year.

    Hope you enjoy. I’m also playing all the percussion. Peace, Tom


    Hi Tom,

    what you’re doing with melodica and percussion is simply great!

    Tom Teasley

    Thank you Questscher! I’m so glad to find this site. I was thinking I was the only melodica nurd around. Now I see I’m a neophyte! What I share in my percussion community is playing a wind instrument has had a huge impact on my percussion performance as I’m much more aware of breath, length of line and dynamic shaping. I’m looking forward to learning much more on this site! All Best, T


    Tom I love your original and unique compositions. Please post some more when get a chance. Nothing like original music that strays outside the box.

    I have about two albums worth of fully instrumented original compositions, but had not posted them because they were pre-melodica compositions. No melodica in them. Maybe one of these days I will put a couple on my SoundCloud page and people can listen if they so desire.



    Tom Teasley

    Likewise Lowboy! I’m digging your blues work as well!I sometimes have trouble finding the box
    ;-). I’ll find some more to post soon. Stay well! Tom

    Mark O’Trumea

    That was beautiful! A wonderful story you are telling! keep it up!

    Tom Teasley

    Thanks, Mark! I look forward to staying in touch. Tom


    Tom, I love the minimalist and hypnotic qualities of this piece. And your use of the full dynamic range of the melodica. Right from the start – alternating loud and soft notes. I’m going to try that out! And solid percussion beats. Can you remember which melodica/mic you used?


    I like this sound and song, this 11/4 make me dancing on my chair, i can see the wild orient in front of me

    Tom Teasley

    Sorry for the late reply, Sparkcle and Daren. I’m in the middle of a theatre run. Daren, I’m using the Yamaha Pianica 37 on that recording.Sparkcle, thanks for your kind words. Stay well.

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