Hohner Performer 37 vs Hohner Airboard 37

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  • #8827

    I have a Performer 37 and I like it. I heard about the Airboard and I’m curious about it. I read they upgraded the flexible tube and the colours, but what about the reeds? Does this melodica have a better sound than the Performer 37? Is it worth the upgrade knowing that I don’t care about the colours?

    Alan Brinton


    The Hohners are all now made in China, and it is unlikely that any upgrades are being done to the reeds. The upgrades seem to be mainly cosmetic. Maybe someone has better information. But the emphasis since 2011 seems to be more on marketing than on quality or innovation. If somebody knows better, I would be glad to hear it.


    Paul Durham

    If a person is really looking for something better than the Performer 37, a really good buy right now is the Suzuki M37C.

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