Reply To: Two Jigs on the Seraphone
June 20, 2014 at 6:36 pm
Ooops, 3000€ is pretty much…
Nevertheless, it would be worth the price for a customized instrument. There are some features we discussed that the newly developed “Ballone Burini Vibrandoneon” could or should have – I don’t know if you have already read this thread:
The same goes for the Séraphone, too. Perhaps you could take some of our suggestions into account, or at least some features could be realized for a customized instrument.
I saw on the presentation video that there are two quick releases to be able to open the instrument quickly. The inside is censored, but I hope if you open the instrument that way you can straightly get to the reeds, right? If yes, this is an absolutely ingenius invention!
Greetings, Quetscher