Reply To: Yamaha Pianica P-32C
Your photos are not showing, Darryn. “Vintage” is not well defined for melodicas. The term is often used here for any melodica that’s no longer in production. For the most part, I refer to melodicas from the 1980s and earlier as vintage. You refer to yours as a Pianica; it’s probably something we could date. If it’s a Yamaha, the “Made in Japan” (if authentic) would also help date it, since their Pianicas have been made in Indonesia for quite some time.
Dee: I have all the Yamaha 32 key models except the P-32C. I have seen photos, though. It was on the market from 1978-84 and introduced the same basic design as its successor, the (1984-2018) P-32D. It is to the P-32D roughly what the P-25E is to the P-25F. The same change was made in the carrying cases in the transitions between these models. I prefer the P-25E to the P-25F because of the narrower case, the more conservative color, and because it’s easier to find one that was made in Japan (rather than Indonesia). The P-25E and F are otherwise virtually identical.