The Amazing Melodica! – Tutorial (fragments )


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    Fast and very fast playing on melodica


    Subject fast playing on the keyboard takes a lot of keyboardists minds in one or another period . The first natural advice is : to play a lot slowly and gradually pick up the pace. However, it is valid to some extent, beyond which the case simply isn’t progressing. The students are thinking it’s always a question of training of fingers ; but already in the 19th century, the great pianist F.Buzoni put forward the idea of technical phrasing, based on the organization of musical material in blocks, easy for brain to play on one volitional impulse. Teachers rightly say that fingers should be easily and freely , ie the focus moves from the fingers to another place . Melodica clearly demonstrates – whither: breathing (For pianists it means the breath of hands ) . As mentioned above, in this case breath plus intonation control the movements of hands and fingers. Breath is primary, movement is secondary. After many years of playing melodica , if I simple pick up right hand and begins to blow just like that, the fingers jump themselves. Elaborated reflex.
    Thus, for a significant acceleration of pace necessary to define the boundaries of breathing phrases, including a longer music fragments , and reduce the breathing time. On a more long phrase – a more accelerated breath. To determine the boundaries breathing phrases is possible just sing simultaneously with playing .


    The only problem is that the air is not enough ! smile


    I am also interested and so impressed with this. My interest in playing guitars and passions in music can boost with the hep of this idea. I admit that I am newbie in this interest, but I say that my experiences are proven to be qualified and reliable specially I am a products of reliable workshops and training programs of Smartleese Creative, you can check their future events.


    Hi, anonymous! You are interested to use melodica for developing the creativity of business people?


    Hare is also the behind the scene tips for improvisation, this may be a big help to enhance skills and learning in this interest for melody,, also using the same source.


    Randy, can you elaborate on how this works or relates to musical improvisation on the Melodica.

    Alan Brinton

    I can understand how “free” improvisation of melodicas might be used in, say, a business workshop trying to get people to break out of the rigidity of their routines, encourage them to loosen up and be more innovative (to “think outside the box,” to use one of the most ridiculous cliches known to man but popular in workshops). But I don’t see it going the other way at all. I can’t conceive of what creativity workshops could contribute to trying to learn to improvise on the melodica.


    Alan, hi! It can certainly help to develop improvisational thinking, and as a side effect , the sense of humor; so it was with me, as an adult. In the end I came to the conclusion that a very powerful tool is to participate in theatrical improvisation, combined with playing the instrument – the effect is immediate! In Berklee it isn’t still familiar .

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