Suddenly flat note

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  • #16269
    Richard Feryok

    I got a problem: I was practicing on my Hammond Pro 44 Hv2, when suddenly my middle A was more than a half step flat. I took it apart to expose the reed board, plinked A a few times, looked for obstructions. No visible signs of change. Put together. Tried again. Same problem. Took apart, removed reed board screws, reed board wouldn’t come off. Put back together. Same problem – sudden drastic pitch change of reed! Can’t be a tuning problem, I’d have to grind off the reed. How to I address this. I want to solve, repair this myself. Appreciate any help offered. Thanks Rick


    Hello Richard, the reed probably cracked if the note went flat when you played it. When I say cracked, it’s not actually visible to the eye. You can try to tune it, but if it goes flat as soon as you play it, you will need to replace the reed plate. If you purchase the reed plate, do not forget to purchase the paper gasket, as it can rip when you remove it. Do not discard the reed plate you are replacing as you can use it for parts if a different not goes out. Here is a post I did on this several years ago

    Hammond 44 and Hyper reed plates

    Hope this helps

    Richard Feryok

    Hello Melodica Me. Thanks for responding. I’m trying to understand my situation. I suspected something with that individual reed; either some type of physical impediment carried by the air stream and impacted on the opposite side of the reed plate, or as you suggest, a micro crack or chip in the reed.
    A couple of questions.
    If the problem is a bad reed, why not just replace the faulty reed? Why the whole reed plate?

    If I replace the reed plate, does it come with all the appropriate reeds installed?

    Is there an instruction manual for the dis-assembly, assembly, repair of melodicas?

    Why, after I had removed the retaining screws for the reed plate, it did not come out. It held fast. My gut told me that there must be some simple, easy, non-force, method of removal that would not damage the plate while removing it. But I saw no way to lift or pry.


    Hello Richard, I am not aware that Suzuki is selling individual reeds for Hammond. They may be available for repair shops but not to the consumer and I have only seen the plate sets available. There is no actual service manual for the Hammond melodion; it only comes with the case, mouthpiece, flex hose, and cleaning cloth. The reason the plate is hard to remove is that the gasket has an adhesive that will tend to stick to the reed plate when removed. It is important that you purchase the gasket when you purchase the reed set. It does not come with the reed set.
    Hope this helps

    Richard Feryok

    I got the reed plates off, all together held by the gasket. I used a little WD-40. I contacted Rakutan GandG. I asked too many questions. Something was lost in the translation, but as I understood, it comes with the plates and the screws. The existing gasket holds fast. Why couldn’t I just cut out a gasket of good bond paper and use it on the single reed plate I need to replace?

    Another question: Are the tools, parts, methodology; e.g. screws, rivets, reamers, dies, tools of harmonica repair directly usable on Melodions. Rick


    Hello Richard, you can make your gasket, but cutting out all the different openings and being exact is a challenge; personally, it is best to purchase the gasket. Also, if you leave too much material between the openings, it can lower the amount of air and may change the reed’s performance. In theory, the tools used to repair a harmonica would work to restore your Melodion. There are very few tools needed to fix the melodeon. You probably have most of them now. The only tools I purchased were a suitable quality file for tuning and a chromatic tuner. I want to advise you: When you remove the existing gasket, please don’t use a sharp knife and gouge the surface, as this will cause the gasket not to lay perfectly flat.
    Hope this helps

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