Tagged: Melodica photo
Or maybe this is as close as I can get to pastels. Alan, if you want to play with the photo, let me know and I will send you the original. Lowboy
That would be fun. If you send it I’ll try some things. The lines in the grain of the wood of the violin produce some nice effects.
Black Keys
Black keys matter.
As long as I have my photos open, I will add another photo to this thread. Here is a photo of a Hohner Piano 26 on its way to a gig in 1966 Chevy Suburban. Lowboy
Melodica, Vinegar, Kitchen Sink. Posterized. Lowboy
Yellow Hohner on Hammond M2. Posterized.
The Vinegar photo is one of your best. The posterization works exceptionally well in this case. My eye goes right to the vinegar label and then down the reeds. Great composition.
Sketch of keyboard harmonicas. Lowboy
iPad sketch of Hohner keyboard harmonica. Lowboy
Both these would make great posters.
Photo of keyboard harmonica just for fun. It is hard to get a perspective on this one. Lowboy
Hey, aren’t they giving those things away now on eBay?
No joke, I just “scored one”, as some say, for $22 delivered, though it’s actually a Piano 27. To think my first one cost me $160. Great photo, though. I hope she didn’t fall off the ladder.
Told you this is seriously the off-season. And many people are clearing old stock. My Schoenhut came with a sticker that it was manufactered in 2013. It did not show any signs of ever being used. I will continue to follow the market but it’s time to pay the piper and pay down my card. Is your new hohner going to be one of your projects?