Tagged: Melodica photo
Hohner Piano 36. Lowboy
I’ll have a Piano 36 on the rocks.
so here’s my little babies…
bohema 36
bandmaister 26
hohner piano 27
simona 21
Hi Igor,
So how much does one of those Bohema melodicas cost? Are they still in production? Are they of reasonably good quality? And finally, how do they sound compared to say the Hohner 26 that you own?
I got lucky with Bohema because i bought that melodica for 30 dollars. it’s used one, but in very good condition. it is build like a tank. “front” side have little dent on the case, but that dosent affect the sound which is more like accordion than melodica.
never have the oportunity to try any model of hohner 36 melodica, but i think that bohema sound is very similar to them
only find this video on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeFVfKbBn_Y (song translation “teacher tango” 🙂 )
I think that Bohema is not in production any more.
HI Alan,
Here it is. Lets see how it displays. This is actually a very small, low resolution photo. Unfortunately, after I played with it, I did not save the large version.
Ghost melodica player
Great photo. Given its character, resolution is not really an issue.
Here are a few photos just for fun. First I am going to try one and then post the others. Lowoby
Melodica at the speed of sound
Vibrating reeds and strings
Melodica and 409
Must learn how to spell my name correctly. Lowboy
Fun with photography. Lowboy
Melodica photo with effects
Isn’t a Lowoby some kind of Australian animal, or is that a Lowaby?
The lines of the violin work really well with the melodica in this last photo, as does the shadowing on the keyboard. I think it would be worth trying this in some pastel colors.
You know, I could not get the pastels to work well, but here it is posterized, keeping some of the original colors.
Lo whoa’ be
Melodica and violin posterized