Okay, so that’s the original “soprano” Piano 26, the HM-926, introduced by 1961, and followed by its mate, the “alto” HM-927. They continued to be marketed through the 1970s. The instrument in your previous video is the next in the development of the “Piano” Hohner Melodicas, the HM-26, along with its mate, the “alto” HM-27. These had a brief run during the 1970s. Then the third stage in the development of Hohner “Piano” melodicas began late 1970s or early 80s, marketed often just as “Piano 26” and “Piano 27,” though sometimes also as “HM-26” and 27. These continued to be marketed by the company until 2011. They are the ones we here associate so much with Lowboy Bootay’s innovative blues melodica techniques.