Here is a recording of two simultaneous melodica solos over a blues backing track. The second track was made without listening to the first track. I made this recording very quickly and only spent about 20 minutes mixing and mastering. Details are included beneath the link and on the Soundcloud page.
I recorded two takes of a keyboard harmonica solo over a great blues backing track that you can find online by searching on “slow blues backing track.”
I was not listening to the first take when I made the second take.
I was not intending to play the tracks back together. But by accident, I started to listen to one of the tracks not realizing both faders were up. When I realized what happened, I continued listening, and it turned out both tracks were complimentary to each other. So, I left them both in the final mix.
The keyboard harmonica was a Hohner piano HM-32 with medium 3:1 compression and the high-end frequencies rolled way back. I ran the signal through a Vox C10 tube amp and recorded the amp using a stereo mic.
Lowboy Bootay