Hohner bass melodica

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  • #5274

    Thanks for the research guys. It would be a great service to the instrument if we could find an easy way to keep them going past their original bladder’s expiration date.

    I know you’ve already been in contact with them, but I’ve emailed Hohner again asking about the bladders. It’s doubtful, but maybe this time they’ll have better news.


    Nick, hopefully you will get a positive response from them. I know that every time I have called, they were not to interested in repairing anything older than what is being currently sold. They tend to put a high number on all repairs and tell you it not worth repairing. But who knows, you may get a helpful person.


    I opened up my Hohner to take a look at it. Same screw configuration, different color bladder. Notice the dark spots towards the bottom, I’m guessing moisture? There are tiny little black dots on some parts of the bladder, I assume these are leaks?



    Nick, this looks like it has been replaced. Is your bladder of rubber Neoprene or plastic. I am not able to tell by the picture. The black dots may be some form of rust or breakdown of the material. If you do not see any actual holes then it is still OK but more than likely that will be they fail spot in the future. I was looking online and found some 1/64 Rubber Neoprene sheets that will work, about $15 bucks including shipping. I think I will order some and see for my self. If you check it out don’t buy it I will give you some if it works, there is way more than what I would ever need.


    Nick, What is the metal bar near your moisture release cap. I have not seen this before.


    I’m not entirely sure of the material (I’m leaning towards rubber) but any three of those could work. I think with some experimentation we could figure it out. I don’t mind having to replace the bladder every now and then if it keeps the instrument going.

    The previous owner did some modifications to the instrument, so that’s probably how the bar got there (and the bladder replaced.) I’m not sure of its intended function though.


    Nick, I received the rubber neoprene sheet and was able to install it this past weekend on my Hohner Basso. It worked great and actually better than when I first purchased my basso. It appears that the original rubber was even thinner than 1/64″ so even more fragile than what I first thought. One thing that I noticed was when I first purchased my Basso, like my other bass melodicas they were slow on the lower register. With the replacement of this thicker rubber the lower register is very fast much faster than the Suzuki or the Hammond. I do not have a reason why this is just happy it is. Further study is needed. I hope to share my experience soon.
    Monsters of Melodica

    Alan Brinton

    Thicker (and/or less flexible) rubber would have more resistance and not expand as much. Wouldn’t that explain the quicker response? This is very interesting.


    Could be Alan. I am thinking of changing the bladder on the Suzuki that has a pin hole starting, maybe in the summer time. The tone on the Hohner Basso is nowhere as smooth as the Suzuki or Hammond but this is a good thing as I look for different tones to go with different melodies. In the Monsters of Melodica Tune “Spain” we used all three bass melodicas then doubled them to create “The wall of Basso” If we were to use only one bass melodica and recorded it 6 times the effect would not be as full. I think if you are to use a tire inner tube it would be way to thick. As the 1/64 thick rubber neoprene that I use seams to be double the thickness of what was removed. I want to say that the rubber on the Hammond is thicker but it is hard to say because that rubber is still relatively new and not worn yet. The Suzuki does not feel as thick as the Hammond but it does feel thicker than the Hohner.

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