Hammond 37 is coming?

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  • #6847
    Bruno Travi

    I received the news of a specialist shop in Germany they will have available the next week the new Hammond 37 with built-in microphone.
    They say it is not the 44 or 44HP, is a new model

    We’ll be alert !


    Bruno, Any more news on Hammond 37? wow I did not see this post of yours. You know I want it lol.


    Bruno Travi

    Hello MM

    They tell me that the Hammond will arrive tomorrow Saturday o Monday
    I have searched inf in the web and can not find

    Very rare. I will be communicating


    Bruno, did they announce if the new Hammond will be a version of the original 44 or the Hyper with a smaller range? Or possibly have a new sound? Or if it will be only available on a limited quantity. I know maybe to many questions that are unknown or that they possibly may not want to say yet until the release date? Either way, I love Hammond and would like a smaller version. Please let me know as soon as you get any info. I told myself that I would not buy another Melodica this year or was it next year lol


    Bruno, I spoke with Yu Beniya Head of International sales and he said that they do not have plans for a Hammond 37 at this time 🙁

    Bruno Travi

    Hi MM
    False news.
    The shop owner was wrong , it was not Hammond 37, was Hammond 27 (the soprano version)
    I had excited : S ….

    Now you can keep your promise, not to buy melodicas this year lol

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