Brand new to the melodica – very excited!

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  • #16239
    Biff Smiff

    Hello everyone! I just got my first melodica for Christmas and wanted to share my excitement!
    My plan is to use it as a substitute for harmonica parts in country-ish songs, to give them a quirky feel. Do you seasoned pros think that’ll work??
    The song that brought the melodica to my attention was In Our Talons by the Bowerbirds. Anyone got any other brill melodica suggestions I could check out for inspiration?
    And happy new year to all of you!

    Liam Fisher

    I certainly can’t call myself a seasoned pro, but the melodica is definitely the best harmonica substitute out there! In fact, I usually say “looks like a short keyboard sounds like a harmonica” when someone asks me what a melodica is.

    One thing I love about the melodica is that it can find a place in almost any genre. Country, classical, jazz, blues, pop, folk, you name it. Glad to have you here!

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by Liam Fisher.

    I agree, it can be quite effective in mimicking a harmonica. The best match I can think of is using a Clavietta to sound like a chromatic harmonica. Have a listen to Toots Thielemans!

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