Reply To: The Amazing Melodica! – Tutorial (fragments )


And harp is just a piece of iron , violin is just a piece of wood ; drums have pieces of wood, iron and plastic., iron and plastic. Oops, again plastic! So not serious instrument also!!
Plastic is widely used for building rockets. and in this area construction workers are serious about polymers . Otherwise, with such an attitudeinstead of missiles in heaven would fly melodics .
But seriously, the quality of materials for the instrument also depends on the requirements of customers.But seriously, the quality of materials for the instrument also depends on the requirements of customers. If the melody lovers say so about their own instrument, then what can we require manufacturers; and I do not say about for the most part scornful attitude of musicians to melodica.These people are not even aware that they missed professionally. But not all of these; Bob Stoloff, for example, very quickly grabbed what it is about; and immediately asked for permission to use my teaching video lessons YouTube.

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