Reply To: Eolina information needed

Hello Jerry, I have been playing and collecting melodicas for a long time and the melodicas that have served me the best are my Hammond melodions. I know many will argue the abilities of their favorite melodicas in comparison to the Hammond but there is no other melodion with a larger keyboard for the exception of the Eolina, with a pick up built in for live performance, and the best responding keyboard all packed into one melodion. Two different models made with two different tones to choose from. Is it as rich sounding as a Vibrandoneon, absolutely not! That’s why I own a Vibrandoneon as well. Listen to my Monsters of Melodica video of “Giant Steps” with the Hammond hyper (almost sounds like a soprano Sax) and the video of “Sugar” with the 44H for a more darker tone. The highs are clear and the low are defined and not garbled. Did I mention that both Hammond models sound great in combination with my Vibrandoneon. It is important that you find your sound for the type of music you like to play and the melodica that will help you define your sound. I love and have been playing jazz music since the early 70’s and the Vibrandoneon is a great and beautiful sounding instrument that fits the bill perfect for me. It dosent hurt that It definitely makes a professional statement when you take it out of the case. I am hoping that the New Vibrandoneon BB will add to my sound and style.