Reply To: Yamaha P37D vs Suzuki M37
I was talking about the M32 Suzuki. Not the 37 Suzuki, as far as weight. Whatever. The Yam P37 is too heavy for me. Ordered the Suzuki M32C which appears to be lighter, so hope that will work.
And RATS!! I ordered from Japan the stupid BLUE Suzuki M32C, I couldn’t find that black one (M32C) anywhere, which is what I wanted. Only could find the M37 Suzuki in black (looked on Amazon and eBay). Damn it. 90 bucks for nothing. I didn’t want a blue one. Argh. Where did you find that black one? pls tell me you’ve had it forever, and they are no longer made. God damn it.
Olivier–the Yamaha P37 sounds beautiful, I say go for it you will not regret it. I’m sure I’ll get it later to play tangos, classical, etc. but I wanted something REALLY much lighter for now so I could run around with it everywhere.
Grrr. G’nite all, bad mood, just saw bloody hardy mums out everywhere, the harbinger of fall. Not pleasant for this beach-lovin’ gal.