Reply To: Show us your melodica workspace!

Tatu Salmela

Sorry, no pictures yet, but here’s a brief description of my workshop:
I have a small workshop equipped with basic tools for repairing stringed instruments and accordions. A band saw, table saw, drill press, belt/disc-sander, a sturdy workbench by Marttila and a couple more benches for different stuff. I have lots of hand tools acquired by the years, some powered hand tools like a router, drill and a miniature belt sander spinning a 1/2″ wide belt. I also have a Proxxon MF70 Micro Mill, which has been very helpful in making tools and prototype work. I have the pantograph add-on which is good for engraving etc. For tuning I use a Peterson Autostrobe 490ST tuner, a mechanical spinning-disc stroboscopic tuner. Also I have some lab equipment for electronics repair: a function generator, DC source, tube oscilloscope etc.

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