Reply To: Refinish of Yamaha P-32D
September 28, 2016 at 2:18 pm
Alan Brinton
Nice detective work, Melodica-Me. The Zen-on Pianys I see for sale are the 32 key green one. I’ll watch for the 250A. The standard for mandatory use of keyboard harmonicas in Japan seems to be 32 keys. That makes some sense in terms of the emphasis of playing it keyboard style with two hands laid flat in the lap or on a table. Consequently, 32 key models are much more plentiful.
Anyone played a Zen-on Piany?
By the way, I recently applied several layers of Meguiar’s Gold Class Caranuba Plus to the gold and Espresso Yamaha Pianicas shown above and then buffed them up real good. At first, fingerprints were a problem. But I’ve been using a lens cloth to buff them off as, and after, I play, and the fingerprint problem is going away.