Reply To: Shoulder strap?


Hi Quetstcher,
I’m thinking if I was really dedicating two melodicas to that use and they were identical models I would probably mute the accompaniment unit with some cloth or Styrofoam inside or at least tape over the vents? That or make sure the lead instrument was generally louder in the first place.
Definitely worth some experimenting on.
Hmmm, I wonder about hooking the two hoses to a three-way valve?

Hi Gayle,

Actually most of the melodicas we see today have harmonica type reeds and not accordion ones. I believe the Vibrandoneon is about the only one currently using accordion reeds. Check with some of the other members on that.

Correct me if I’m wrong? Those keyboard side only accordion players they are playing with one hand and pumping the bellows with the other?
I would think that style of playing where you are adding harmony notes below the melody line in close voiced triads should work pretty well on the melodica?

You are probably right that it’s direction of airflow and not reed size that causes the note robbing. However I have had the same effect happen on a reed organ (especially if the bellows are leaking) where a full left-handed chord robs enough air the melody notes don’t sound. The pump organs like the accordion has the air flow to each reed evenly?

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