Reply To: Effect pedals for your Melodica
Lee, there are several ways of boosting the output of your Hammond 44. what you want to consider first is that the Hot Rod plexi is a distortion pedal not really made for the type of pick ups on your melodion. This will distort the signal to the other pedals and you may not get much use from them. You need to good a clean signal from your melodion pick up first then go to the vibe pedal and then your reverb pedal. If you want to use the distortion pedal, the typical chains would be clean boost pedal to distortion pedal to vibe pedal to reverb pedal to amp. But first start with the clean boost to your amp and check the signal is strong and clean. Skip the distortion pedal for now. Add the vibe pedal after the clean boost and check your signal again. Now add the reverb pedal and again check your signal. At this point all should be working “clean” and your signal should be strong. Note. Start your clean boost about 1/2 way and the volumne on your melodion should be about 3/4 of the way up allowing you a little room to push the pick up signal to your clean boost if needed. Carfull not to over feed your clean boost as it will distort if to much signal is fed to it. In theory you need to create a strong clean signal for these pedals to work right if your signal is weak they tend to not work properly. You need to check your amp volume as you are adding each pedal. If your feed to the amp is to hot once you raise the volumne on your amplifier it will be distorted. So keep checking your signal and try to get as loud and clean in the beginning before adding effects. Take your time and go through all your setting before you add effects. One more thing. Depending on the type of patch cords you are using, these can hinder the signal path as well. The 10 patch codes for $20 bucks deal usually do not provide a good signal path. I have a box of them that are worthless. Also if the vibe pedal is a distortion pedal as well you may be distorting the signal path as well. The type of harmonics a guitar produces versus your melodion is completely different. These pedals were not designed for melodions but can work if you take your time and work the signal.
I hope this helps you. Please let me know and I will get back with you ASAP.