Reply To: Vintage Clavietta issue

Hello Maria, in transit the hard washers may have cracked, they are old and brittal but there are repairs than can be done. I would open the Melodica and check a few things. First remove the (4) screws on the chrome air chamber. First check to see if the hard washers have cracked and have failed. If so the can be replaced with rubber washers. You can find these at your hardware store. 1/16″ thick 7/16 OD with a 1/8″ center hole. Second remove one of the end capes by removing the (2) screws. Once the cap is removed you can take the metal housing off. You do not need to take them both off if you don’t want too. Next see if there the reeds are stuck by picking at the end with a tooth pick and see of it is sticking. If it is, it will not sound. Also if the keys of the notes are lower than the ones that function ok this will tell you that the hard washer is probably broken as well. As for the mout piece, go on Facebook and send me a message at the Monsters of Melodica page with your address and I will send you the mouth piec. The ones I have are old. And used but they work. After you check the Clavietta let me know what you find, maybe take a few pictures, it will help diagnost the problem.