Reply To: Tenor Melodica

Ranges of different instruments are shown in this chart:
I have been of the opinion for some time that there is a “sweet range” of notes that sound the best and play most comfortably on the melodica. This can be said, I think, roughly of melodicas in general, but it is also to some extent relative to the model and to the individual player. It seems to some extent to be more or less an issue depending on the skill level of the player. Among current standard sized melodicas, a 32 key alto most closely approximates the sweet range for me, which is probably one of the reasons that I prefer, say, the Yamaha P-32D to the Yamaha P-37D: those additional five keys take me beyond my melodica sweet range, which is not an issue for the more skillful players on this site, who are more comfortable than I am playing those additional five notes.
Actually, the whole idea of a “sweet range” on the melodica may have no meaningful application for most Melodica World regulars. Choices by professionals about which melodica range to use will depend upon other considerations. But I think “sweet range” is a useful concept in relation to beginning-intermediate players. For those players, the concept may be useful in choosing a melodica, for example in choosing an alto over a soprano or a 32 key model over a 37 key model.
But there are also implications in relation to melodica design. Thinking now in terms of the low end, there should be such a thing as a tenor melodica, namely one that starts at B3. It will be a “true” tenor melodica if it has 25-27 keys. A 32 key melodica that begins on B3 also should, I think, be referred to as a tenor melodica. I would love to have a 25-27 key tenor melodica and a 32 key tenor melodica. Actually, I’d also love to have a 37 key tenor melodica, if by that we mean one that starts at B3.
So I think a tenor range is a possible innovation for Daren’s ideal melodica (or a tenor option or cartridge, ala the Suzuki MA-32). Let’s hope that if Jon Batiste has a major melodica company as a sponsor, it will be Suzuki. Suzuki has been the most experimental of the Big Three, historically speaking, has produced the greatest variety of melodicas, and has consistently maintained high levels of quality construction in its high end models. Suzukis have been what Jon Batiste plays. Jon, are you out there? I’d like to send you an MA-32, the best kept secret of Suzuki Melodions, if you don’t already have one.