Reply To: Amp for Blues Melodica


I play the melodica into an Audio-Technica AT897 shotgun condenser mic. The mic cable goes to a 250-to-50K ohms “microphone impedance matching transformer.” This converts the mic cable 3-pin connector to a 1/4-inch phono plug and increases the impedance to match that needed by the delay pedal. The 1/4-inch out from the delay pedal plugs directly into the amp.

Now that I am using an amp for my dirty sound, I will have to mic the amp for recording purposes.

I have a nice Radial DI box, and I used to use it all the time. However, I found I do not have problems noise and I dons have long cable runs. I could not hear any difference with or without the DI box. So I don’t complicate the signal chain with stuff I don’t need. So now I only use it to give the a soundman my signal for long cable runs to the mixing board.

I am pretty sure I will end up with a small pedal board including the following: compressor, Harp Delay, chorus, and Harp Break. I will probably leave the compressor and Harp Delay on all the time. The chorus and Harp Break will be used for effect as needed.

Hope that helps MM.



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