Reply To: Amp for Blues Melodica

Hi Melodica-Me,
I am not using a microphone on the amp. The amp is more than loud enough for what I am doing. The signal path is as described above. Bass control setting on the Vox is all the way up. Treble control setting is about half way up. The Vox has lots of high end and midrange. I get the low frequencies by holding the melodica against my chest and play it this way most of the time. Then when I want to bring in the highs, I move or twist the melodica away from my chest to open the sound holes to the mic. I get a dramatic variation in tone, from big muffled bass frequencies to piercing highs all by physical manipulation of the melodica.
I just bought a chorus pedal for my clean sound. I have finally resigned myself to the fact that it is okay to process the the sound of a melodica to make it sound better. We do it with organ–might as well do it with a melodica.