Reply To: Ballone Burini wheels up

In November 2014 Guido posted a Picture of him with the new Vibrandoneon (Plastic Version) by Ballone Burini so I sent him a message via Facebook and he responded with the following:
Guido, I love my Vibrandoneon, thank you
Can you tell me When will the new Vibrandoneon be ready for sale, I must own one.
Your friend in America
Oscar Verdugo
Monsters of Melodica
Grande Oscar …. Buona musica … Spero tra poco di saperti dire del nuovo Vibrandoneon costruito da Ballone Burini .. Ciao a presto
Big Oscar …. Good music … I hope to know soon about the new Vibrandoneon built by Ballone Burini .. Ciao
I tried several times to contact him Via Facebook but no response as of yet. I shot him another Message just a short while ago to see if he will respond with any news.