Reply To: Chromaric Harp and Melodica Together

I defer to Lowboy’s expertise on this issue, actually. But I think that slots and holes on most melodicas are mainly cosmetic, with most of the sound coming up through the keyboard. Isn’t your Suzuki an M-37, Steven? You’re probably familiar with what Ofir said about inserting a strip of wood in his Yamaha P-37D? There was some mention in that discussion of the possibility of inserting other materials, including foam as I recall. I would guess that doing the same with a strip of foam would have some damping affect (I thought about trying leather). The M-37, like some other Suzukis, has an edge (brassiness?) to it that could be mitigated by some kind of damping, which in my opinion would be an improvement. I had an older M-32 out the other day and was wishing I could reduce its edginess, so I’m very interested in any experimentation anyone does with this. Or maybe I’ll try something myself.