Reply To: Faux Yamaha?

Sky Pie

So I received my Woodnote today and here’s what I can tell you so far about it. First of all nearly all the notes are a few cents sharp, but that’s to be expected. One note is right on the money. I’m going to play it pretty heavily for the next few weeks and we’ll see where the notes land after that.

Of the three melodicas I currently own (Excalibur, D’luca and now this Woodnote) the Woodnote is the best sounding to my ears. It’s much more mellow sounding than my previous favorite D’luca is. Also the action of the keys is better and the keys are quieter. I find that air flow is consistent on all the keys as well. I can tell you though that the plastic it’s made out of is kind of cheap. Thin and there was even a bit of flashing left on that I had to remove myself. So, overall I’m happy with it and even though I don’t have the Yamaha that this is modeled after I’m pretty sure that it’s inferior to the Pianica. The next melodica I’m probably going to buy as an experiment is a Hurricane Harp that I see on Amazon but has zero reviews. What can I say I’m a gambler.

I will probably be making a youtube video with the Woodnote and I’ll post a link when I do.


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