Reply To: Ballone Burini P-45


Thanks for posting all those pics of your Eolina, Melodica-Me! I see many many interesting details in comparison to the Victoria Vibrandoneon – I see:

1. a removable reedblock (great for tuning!).
2. not only screws drilled in wood but fixed with thread inserts (great against wear and tear!).
3. a wooden air chamber that seems not to be sealed with wax, lacquer or something similar (again this seems to show a certain lack of research if not ignorance concerning the needs of a wind instrument when developing these beauties).
4. reed plates with two reeds per note, one for inhale, one for exhale – I didn’t expect that, somebody told me that the Eolina had bi-directional reeds. The loss of air when playing chords may be explained by the fact that there are no valves like in an accordion, so while playing a note a certain part of the air can leak through the gap between the other reed and the reed plate. So in fact when you play one note you need air for two notes, when you play two notes you need air for four notes aso. (BTW, when I tried out an Eolina some years ago it seemed to be nearly impossible to bend a note which may also be the result of the missing valves which makes it hard to channel the airs stream properly)

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