Reply To: Hohner bass melodica
May 17, 2015 at 4:49 pm
Hello Nick, the Hohner Basso does have a bladder and unfortunately is the weakest part of this melodica. If air starts to leak you will probably see small pin holes. This melodica being old as it is will eventually loose the bladder. I have not been able to find a replacement but I am still looking. As long as you do not blow to hard on the high registers you should not have any issues with replacing any reeds, they are pretty stout. The way to check if you have a leak is to blow and do not press any keys and see if the air leaks out. The white screw cap at the opposite side of the mouth piece is your moisture release. Unscrew and blow and the moisture will come out. Replace cap and you are good to go.
Monsters of Melodica