Reply To: Material test on Yamaha P37D
Hi Alan,
Yes I think you have the idea. The reeds would be flush with the back side of the melodica and fully exposed to the air. This would allow easy access for tuning and adjustment, something I did not even consider. Good point Alan! That would be a huge benefit. Ruin a reed by over bending? Pop on a new $12 reed plate in two minutes without ever having to worry about disrupting the factory sealing. Manufacturers could make lots of money selling reed plates to professional musicians.
A cover could be placed over the reeds to protect them just like a harmonica cover. No tight seal on the cover would be required. The cover could be as simple or elaborate as you like to modulate the sound. Metal, wood, plastic, leather, kryptonite. Covers could also be very decorative if desired. A manufacturer could even offer several types of covers to achieve various effects with the same melodica.
The cover may help increase volume, though harmonica players seem to get along fine with their lower volume instruments. Maybe melodicas are louder than harmonicas because we can blow harder and move more air through the melodica reed.
Finally, I would place the valves right under the front of the keys so that there is a direct connection between the key and control of the valve. Make it a 1-to-1 relationship between key movement and valve movement to provide highly precise articulation. Move the key 1/16 of an inch, and the valve opens 1/16 of an inch.