Reply To: Keyboard harmonica: accordion style vs. melodica style


Hi Lowboy, thanks for your comment and thanks for reminding me of your great “Belly Wah” (that I didn’t forget anyway). I just want to make clear that I didn’t want to compare different melodicas, no matter if cheap or expensive, but different types of construction (it is by pure accident that the only accordion-style built instrument I own is not a VW Golf but a Cadillac…). It is great that a WahWah is also possible with a melodica-style constructed keyboard harmonica – nevertheless if we are talking about a One-size-fits-all keyboard harmonica, I would prefer an accordion-style construction because you can produce a WahWah without having to shake the whole Instrument, so you can always keep the same distance to the microphone, and you can WahWah during a whole phrase and not only during long notes. And let me emphasise that I’m not only dreaming of high end wooden accordion-style instruments but of really affordable keyboard harmonicas!

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