Reply To: Melodica reeds – harmonica or accordion style?


Alan, I’m answering your post here as I believe that it’s more suitable for this discussion.
(Original: )

Thank you Alan. In order to keep my (beautiful) marriage alive, I rather not adopt any lost Melodica I find, even if it is the Piano 36.. 🙂
I’m seeking for the best that I can find, yet owning as few as I can to suit my needs – taking into account that the Pro36 can be resold pretty easily if I won’t like it (as an accordion lover I quite doubt it, but I can never know before trying..)

But it raises an interesting question –

Daren, while referring to the (possibly best of the) harmonica reeds, do you prefer your Yamaha over the Piano as well? and if so, how can you describe the differences?
One down side that I found for the Yamaha is that its color heavily depends on how hard you blow, meaning that wishing to get stronger notes (yet far from shouting), one must compromise on a flatter tone (less accordion overtones). It may relate to the low gapping I chose, or it is an inherent property of the reeds (you probably know better).

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