Reply To: Some Thoughts On Vintage


Hi Alan,

Great overview of the state of the melodica.

I have seen some good photos of very old Suzuki’s and Yamaha’s and they look really well designed and made from high quality materials. Some have that funky 60’s look too. I am dying to start a collection of these melodicas, but every time I buy another melodica, my wife suggests I am going deeper in to an obsession. [If you buy a melodica and have to hide it from your wife, does that mean you have a problem?]

So I must stay the course of rounding out my Hohner collection. I just need one or two more. Your Suzuki Study-32 is safe for now.

I agree. For enthusiasts and professionals who can work on their own instruments, these classic melodicas by Suzuki and Yamaha (and Hohner) may represent some of the best values on the market today.

I look forward to your review of the Suzuki Study-32 and am curious about the timbre of this melodica.



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