Reply To: Combining a melodica with a trumpet
November 10, 2021 at 8:26 am
Herman van Aartsen
Hi Daren, Oscar,
Thank you for your answers. Obviously, I wasn’t clear. I wasn’t talking about using a trumpet-style mouthpiece but actually using the other part of the trompet: the bell part. What about mounting (in some way) the bell (and part of the tube going to it without the velvets) on to the melodion. In that way the sound of the melodica has to pass (go into) the trumpet tube and bell 😉 Despite the looks, I was wondering if such design would enrich or change the sound. And does the pitch change? That would be less useable. In such a design one could also use a trumpet mute (no idea to handle that but the idea is interesting). Would this be the birth of a new instrument? I would be happy to take the leap.