Reply To: A melodica and acoustic guitar piece – "Winter at sea"

André Sant’Anna

Hello Melodica Me and Alan.

First of all, I apologize for not having responded before, but I think I now have more information than at the time of this post.

Through my research, I discovered that a Brazilian accordion and harmonica company called Todeschini entered into a partnership with Hohner to manufacture accordions in Brazil and export it to the United States. This happened since 1962 and probably ended in 1971, when Todeschini, after a fire accident, started to producing only furniture (which still happens today). In the texts, I read there is no mention at all about making melodicas, but we may suppose that it may have made them too.

Interestingly, I met a guy who owns a melodica manufactured by Todeschini and as incredible as it may seem, his melodica is a copy of… Clavietta. What’s more, it has a P2 output to be connected to an amplifier. I don’t know anyone else who has this model besides him.

So can we say that Brazil is a mysterious country about melodicas? I think so.

You can see this model from Todeschini in this video (it appears in several moments of the video):

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