Reply To: Yamaha Pianica P-37E – My Report

Alan Brinton

I’m having issues playing this melodica because of frustration with tuning and getting all the reeds to function consistently, Kevin. My suspicion is that there are problems arising from the key pad strip. The key pad strip is an interesting concept. But I’m having my doubts about execution. What really is the point of the differences in SHAPE of the holes? If this concept has been worked out adequately, why are the openings in a tacked on strip rather than in the frame of the instrument? Why three banks of different size/shape holes corresponding to the three reed plates?

I have been making comparisons between the unenclosured P-37D core and the unenclosured P-37E core, since these can be played outside their enclosures. The point of these comparisons is to isolate sound differences that are a function of the difference between the core melodicas, which seem to relate mainly if not completely to the holey keypad strip. I hear a difference mainly at the bass end, in the first bank of reeds. The sound of the E in the bottom (F3 to E-4 is), to my subjective perception, slightly more muted, and I find this to be pleasing. The advantage is somewhat offset, however, by the instability of the intonation of those reeds in the E.

Physics/schmysics, I think the larger holes are at the bottom end but am not sure. But I agree that it does take more air pressure to play the higher notes. And smaller holes at the bottom end may make note bending easier.

It’s possible that I will end up transplanting my P-37D core into the P-37E enclosure. The E enclosure is clearly superior in look and feel; I need to do further experimentation in relation to its supposed acoustic enhancements. Visually speaking, also to be considered is the fact that the white keys of the D are a creamier, darker white than those of the E.

I may also try transplanting the (440 tuned) lower and middle reed plates of my P-37D into the P-37E to find out whether their tuning holds up in that environment.

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