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Yonk Raccoon replied to the topic Buying a new melodica on eBay? in the forum Buying a melodica 1 day, 12 hours ago
Congrats! You’ve played a lot of melodicas (or I should say you WILL, in 2033,) so I was wondering what stood out to you specifically about this one. No pressure on length; I was really curious about what made you excited :3 Thanks if you can! -happy Pianica 37D owner
Yonk Raccoon's profile was updated 1 day, 13 hours ago
Yonk Raccoon replied to the topic Is a chemical/strong plastic odor normal? (Pianica 37D) in the forum Melodica construction, repair and maintenance 1 day, 13 hours ago
Note: While trying to contact the absent seller on Amzn, I got one of those weird refunds where they didn’t want me to return the product so I have the Pianica while it is also refunded. I’m thinking of trying a second melodica and have been scouring the forums for what could be better than this one….. which is my favorite already, besides the…Read more
Yonk Raccoon started the topic Is a chemical/strong plastic odor normal? (Pianica 37D) in the forum Melodica construction, repair and maintenance 1 day, 13 hours ago
I’m so glad to finally be registered on these forums. Anyway–
I bought a seemingly new Yamaha Pianica 37D, which came in its hard case, sealed in a plastic bag.
After playing it and having it sit outside, the chemical scent it has (that makes me cough or stop playing) fades away, until it returns to its case.
Is this an experience anyone else…Read more
Gerald de Peralta replied to the topic About Suzuki M37 in the forum General melodica discussion 1 week, 3 days ago
Sorry for the very late reply, but opening a Suzuki Melodion M-37 is as easy as taking out the two end pieces and sliding out the keyboard unit from the lower tray. Three little screws hold each of the end pieces. Be careful not to lose the tiny square nuts embedded in the keyboard unit and the end pieces as, from what I observed with my surplus…Read more